Thursday, March 5, 2020

Are You An Introvert Heres How to Stand Out at Work - Introvert Whisperer

Introvert Whisperer / Are You An Introvert Here’s How to Stand Out at Work - Introvert Whisperer Are You An Introvert? Here’s How to Stand Out at Work Introverts may initially be seen as shy individuals who are intimidated by those around them, but this is far from the truth. These individuals typically have amazing strengths that can help them become invaluable members of any work team. For example, they are usually independent, detail-oriented workers who are amazing listeners. They are also hard and trustworthy employees. However, to shine at work, you must take wise steps that play to your strengths. Use Downtime to Your Advantage Introverts tend to thrive in quieter situations rather than in fast-paced or noisy environments. While you cannot always control your work environment, you can find smart ways to take advantage of quieter times at your office to improve your focus throughout the day. Consider coming in early to start before your coworkers arrive or staying late occasionally. You could also take your lunch break at a different time from your coworkers. Even when your environment is hectic, you can turn down the volume with noise-canceling headphones or decrease interruptions by turning off notifications on your computer or smartphone. Set Up One-on-One Meetings It may be difficult for you to stand out in a crowd or get your voice heard in a group meeting. Those with more extroverted natures tend to rule group settings because they are unafraid to interrupt. However, you will shine in one-on-one meetings that give you a better chance to project your thoughts to a manager or supervisor. Your manager may be unaware of just what you can offer your team. By meeting on your own with him, you can show him that you also have great ideas and that you can add great value to the team. Other benefits of one-on-one meetings for introverts include improved relationships with management and improved productivity thanks to personalized feedback on fresh ideas and daily work. Go for Individual Projects Along with individualized meetings, you can also thrive at work by focusing on individual projects whenever possible. Working in a group can be difficult if you struggle to make your ideas known. Ask your manager for projects that require only one worker. Not only will you be able to focus more on the details of the task at hand and improve your confidence at work, but also you will be able to impress your manager and make a name for yourself without any discomfort. Leverage Your Strengths As mentioned above, introverts may not have bubbly personalities, but they have an incredible list of strengths that can help them survive and thrive on the job. They can be highly successful and productive under pressure. When allowed to work on their own, they find it easy to concentrate on the task at hand and are always focused on deadlines and details. Although they may not be highly verbal, they have great listening skills. This helps them be perceived as empathetic people who are in touch with their feelings. By focusing on these and other positive characteristics you have, such as thoughtfulness, contentment, and self-sufficiency, you can stand out to your boss by leading those around you with your actions rather than with your words. Whenever possible, you can also use team building activities to develop respect and trust among people with different personality traits. Whenever your office participates in team-building and bonding activities, participate to the best of your ability. It’s a good chance to get to know people outside the pressures of work. Be a Good Listener There is a time and a place for talking around the water-cooler or spitballing new ideas with coworkers. But, there is a greater need for good listeners in the workplace who allow individuals to be heard without having to talk over anyone. This is where introverts shine. To become an even better listener, always maintain good eye contact, focus on the conversation rather than on other tasks, clarify what the individual is saying, and ask thoughtful questions when appropriate. Speak Up About Your Passion You should not feel pressured to speak up in every circumstance. However, you should leverage your opportunities carefully, speaking up when there is something you are particularly passionate about. When you are excited about a topic, you will be able to speak about it confidently even in a group setting. Not only can you impact your coworkers, but also you can impress your supervisor or manager and build a reputation as being a knowledgeable and valuable employee who uses his words wisely. Choose the Right Role You know yourself better than anyone else ever could, and you know which types of environments you thrive in versus those that fill you with trepidation. Choose a job that fits your personality. If you are not sure what that could be, take an aptitude test or a personality test that will make career suggestions based on the findings. In addition, consider how your job will change over the years. You may even want to consider your hobbies to determine potential careers. No matter what job you land in, the importance of employee appreciation for all roles cannot be stressed enough because all employees provide incredible value for any company. Find a job where your efforts will be appreciated, despite your quieter and more reserved nature. Embrace Your Strengths as an Introvert No matter what job you are currently at, always remember that you are a valuable resource and that any company should be proud to have you as a part of their team. While you may not be as outgoing as your extroverted coworkers are, you have strength, resilience, and focus that will help you shine in any career. Author bio: Josh is the co-founder and CEO of  Squibler.  Hes written five books and thousands of blog posts. Forbes noted him as one of 12 Innovative Founders To Watch And Learn From. Go to top Power-Influence-Office Politics: it comes down to your Strategic Relationships and understanding of how you build each one of these elements. I want to help you accelerate your career by connecting you with your Free Instant Access to my video that outlines all of this and meaningful actions you can take today!   Start watching now by clicking here! Brought to you by Dorothy Tannahill-Moran â€" dedicated to unleashing your professional potential. Introvert Whisperer

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